Stanley Siegel, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author, international lecturer, and former Director of Education at New York’s renowned Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy. With over 45 years of experience, Siegel has developed an unconventional and highly regarded approach to psychotherapy. Stanley’s latest book, “Your Brain on Sex: How Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life” is out now!

Author Archive
What Gets Other People Sexually Excited?

What Gets Other People Sexually Excited?

Common Fantasies Explored What Gets Other People Off? Step 2 of Intelligent Lust: Identifying Fantasies and True Desires (Part 2) In the previous column I asked a series of questions to help you identify the thoughts, images and fantasies that actually bring you to orgasm whether you are engaged in sex with a partner or...
What Brings You To Orgasm?

What Brings You To Orgasm?

 It’s really what you THINK. Step 2: Identifying Fantasies and True Desires (Part 1) Sex is far from the base or primitive instinct that we have been led to believe. It is our most complicated human need. Through it, we connect, communicate, negotiate power, give and receive pleasure, and sometimes heal our inner life. Sexual...
How Sex Heals

How Sex Heals

Embarking on the journey of Intelligent Lust. Scientists agree that frequent sex can improve heart health, build a more robust immune system, and increase the ability to ward off pain. Sex changes brain and body chemistry, boosting certain hormone levels that keep us young and vibrant. Sex can also alter our mental state by releasing...
Intelligent Lust

Intelligent Lust

How smarter sex can change your life. If you’re like most of us, the subject of sex makes you at least a little uneasy, if not completely uncomfortable. Sex is shrouded in so much mystery and secrecy and considered so personal that it’s a wonder we can ever have an honest conversation about it. But...
Your Brain On Sex

Your Brain On Sex

Your Brain On Sex: How Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life By Stanley Siegel Due out in October 2011. What if great sex wasn’t just great sex: what if great sex could actually change your life? It can, if you use your brain. A groundbreaking and intriguing look at how each of us can transform...
Fantasies and Gender

Fantasies and Gender

Research has shown that sexual fantasies differ along gender lines. In general, because of many social influences, men and women tend to think about sex differently. Women more commonly connect sex with love, while men more frequently detach sex from affection and experience it as recreational. Men’s fantasies tend to objectify women and emphasize body...
What Do Our Fantasies Say About the Past?

What Do Our Fantasies Say About the Past?

Where do our fantasies and erotic images come from and what do they tell us about the deeper nature of who we are? We have been led to believe that our sexual fantasies are random imaginings, but nothing could be further from the truth. At their base lies fragments of our history, conflict, and strife...