One of the greatest sources of insight into our psyche comes in the form of sexual expression. Through sex, we learn about our strongest desires and create our most satisfying romantic experiences. Achieving a balanced, uncensored understanding of our sexuality, both internally and within our relationships, is a vital part of attaining self-awareness, helping us to reach our highest potential as loving, compassionate people to others as well as ourselves.

How Sex Heals offers engaging, concise essays full of rejuvenating advice and healing wisdom from long-standing professionals in the fields of therapy, sexuality, and psychology, including: Stanley Siegel, Michael Picucci, Galen Fous, Neil McArthur, Alyssa Siegel and Ben Peck.


• How to decode your deepest sexual desires

• How to access your sexual “blueprint”

• What your fantasies and desires might say about your past

• How to move past feelings of shame, guilt, and frustration surrounding sex

• How to navigate your fantasies within our sex-obsessed, often sex-shaming society

• How to integrate spirituality into your sexual routine

…and many more honest, authentic, and articulate accounts of sexual exploration and awareness.