Beyond Sexual Orientation
Gay, straight, it just doesn’t matter anymore. Heterosexuality is not what it’s cut out to be. The labels that exist to describe us typically fall short of encompassing the fullness of human sexuality. Some years ago a patient came to me to deal with his sexual identity issues. When I asked James to describe his...
What Your Favorite Porn Says About Who You Are
Sex scenes on film can be the window to your psyche You are sitting in front of a computer screen surfing porn sites ready to get off. You sift through scenes and images until you connect to one. Suddenly, every element of desire falls perfectly in line. You become intensely excited, your physical and mental...
Curing Pornophobia
How Watching Pornography Can Change Your Life The great majority of us watch pornography. Nearly 87 percent of men and 76 percent of women reportedly visit adult entertainment sites. In fact, pornography drives the economy of the Internet and our appetite for it has led to Internet innovation. That sex sells is hardly a startling discovery....
The Modern Family
New Family and Sex-Positive Values Today’s American family isn’t what it used to be. The days of “Leave It to Beaver” have been replaced with “Modern Family,” a more accurate representation of home life. The nuclear family, the blended family, and the family with same sex-parents are equally visible, loving, funny and messy. The notion...
My Father, the Ethical Slut
A daughter responds to her father’s unconventional sex life My daughter, Alyssa, wrote this week’s column. I am mourning the unexpected death of a close friend, who was a member of my family of choice. In her column, my daughter responds to my recent argument in favor of casual sex which has gotten a lot...
The Case Against Marriage
Marriage does more harm than good. With New York joining a list of states legalizing it, Republican candidates calling for the Constitution to ban it and a Supreme Court decision likely needed to resolve the confusion, it’s no wonder same-sex marriage is a hot topic. Why are we fighting for marriage when it doesn’t work...
Why I Advocate For Casual Sex
Taking on the critics After getting dozens of comments, it is clear my last column, In Defense of Casual Sex, has struck a very deep chord. With seventy thousand readers and counting, sides have been drawn, some stones have been cast and heartfelt thoughts have certainly been shared about casual sex. I am more than glad. This enormous...